
Use A Bankruptcy Attorney To Stop Foreclosure

Do you need bankruptcy protection to save your home from foreclosure?  Trying to do this yourself can cause major problems for you; hire a competent bankruptcy attorney to get you the help that you need to save your home. I once got a call from a man whose 73-year-old father’s home is going to be […]

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Can Help Avoid Repossession Of Your Car

Are you behind on your car payments and in danger of repossession?  Get help with your car payments with a chapter 13 bankruptcy.  According to this story by the Associated Press, car payment delinquencies are at a higher point than they were when they peaked in 2010 during the Great Recession.  If you are behind […]

Can You Afford A Loan Modification To Stop Foreclosure?

If you are facing foreclosure, you may want to try getting a loan modification  in chapter 13 bankruptcy in order to lower your mortgage payments.  Our bankruptcy court in the San Francisco Bay Area started a loan modification program in August 2015, where your loan modification is overseen by the court.  This is a very […]

Consolidate Your Debts With Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

You can lower your total debt payments, like credit card and medical debts, by consolidating your debts with a chapter 13 bankruptcy.  There are many debt consolidation companies, and a lot of them will rip you off.  However, you can use chapter 13 bankruptcy as a debt consolidation without the fear of being ripped off by a dishonest company. […]

Your Retirement Account Money Is Safe In Bankruptcy

Are you considering bankruptcy but fear that you will lose your retirement account money?  Don’t be!  You can protect (“exempt” in bankruptcy terms) all funds in most tax-exempt retirement accounts up to $1,283,025.  That’s right: you can have over a million dollars in a tax-exempt retirement account and still protect it from creditors in bankruptcy.  […]

Eliminate Old Taxes In Bankruptcy

Filing bankruptcy can eliminate old taxes.  It’s that time again when we all have to settle up with the IRS and the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB).  If you owe the IRS or FTB debts for old taxes, you can eliminate those debts with a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy. Taxes that can be […]

Co-Signing For A Loan Could Land You In Bankruptcy

If an adult child or anyone else asks you to co-sign for a loan, beware: if they default on the loan, you could end up in bankruptcy because you will be 100% liable for that loan.  If you are willing to sacrifice your financial health for your adult children or someone else that’s fine, but you should […]

File Bankruptcy to Eliminate Your Unaffordable Credit Card Debt

Have you gotten over your head in credit card debt? If so, bankruptcy might be the solution for you. You can eliminate your credit card debts with a chapter 7 bankruptcy, usually without paying anything for those debts. Many people are solicited for credit cards as soon as they turn 18 years old. At that […]

Should You File Bankruptcy Before You Get Married?

Should you file bankruptcy before you get married?  Many people have asked me this question, and the answer is a definite “yes!”  If you get married, your debts “come into the marriage” in California.  Specifically, a creditor may go after community property for the debt of either spouse.  Let’s break down what this means. California […]

Avoid Phony Tax Collector Scams

If someone contacts you and tries to get you to pay a tax debt, this could be a scam.  Beginning April 2017, the IRS contracted with private collection agencies to try to collect taxes that the IRS has not been able to collect.  You might be able to get rid of tax debts in bankruptcy. […]