
Bankruptcy Should Not Be An Embarrassment

Many, if not most, people who have serious financial problems are embarrassed by those problems, but they are even more embarrassed by considering bankruptcy as a solution.  However, you should not be embarrassed by using bankruptcy to fix your financial problems. It is completely understandable that you are embarrassed because you can’t pay your debts, […]

Abuse Of Credit Cards Can Cause Bankruptcy

Are you facing bankruptcy because you can’t pay your credit card debts?  Keep in mind that credit cards are loans; money charged on them must be paid, and if you don’t pay the full balance due on your monthly statement, you will also pay interest, often at a high rate.  Credit cards are not free […]

Use A Loan Modification In Bankruptcy To Fix Your Mortgage Problems

A loan modification in a chapter 13 bankruptcy can be the answer to your mortgage payment problems.  Are you unable to pay your mortgage because you can’t afford the payments, or because you’ve gotten behind on them and cannot afford to make them up while paying your mortgage?  If so, a loan modification may be […]

Divorce Attorneys’ Fees Dischargeable in Bankruptcy

Betty (not her real name) had racked up substantial divorce attorney’s fees that she could not afford to pay, and she came to see me about filing bankruptcy.  But Betty was afraid that even with bankruptcy she’d still have to pay her divorce attorney fees.  Betty’s divorce attorney fees were a large part of her […]

Stopping Foreclosure With A Reverse Mortgage

Can and should you get a reverse mortgage in order to stop foreclosure of your home?  As attorneys like to say, it depends.   Normally we file chapter 13 bankruptcy in order to stop a foreclosure, and some of our clients also try to get a loan modification through the bankruptcy court’s loan mod program.  A […]

Use Bankruptcy For Debt Consolidation & Avoid Getting Ripped Off

You can use bankruptcy for debt consolidation like payments for credit card and medical debts.  There are many debt consolidation companies, and a lot of them will rip you off.  However, you can use chapter 13 bankruptcy as a debt consolidation without the fear of being ripped off by a dishonest company.  As an added bonus, you […]

Bankruptcy And Business Debt

If you own a corporation or LLC, it is almost certain that you need bankruptcy to get rid of debts incurred by your company that your company cannot afford to pay.  Why?  Because banks don’t lend money to small corporations or LLCs without the owners personally co-signing for those loans or otherwise personally guaranteeing them. […]

Don’t Let Misconceptions Stop You From Using Bankruptcy

If you have serious financial problems, there is a very good chance that bankruptcy would be your best solution. But many people are afraid to file bankruptcy because they think it would ruin their credit or that it’s just for deadbeats. These myths are simply not true. If you are in serious financial trouble, your […]

Don’t Be Embarrassed To File Bankruptcy

You should not be embarrassed to use bankruptcy to solve your financial problems.  Many, if not most, people who have serious financial problems are embarrassed by those problems, but they are even more embarrassed by considering bankruptcy as a solution.  However, you should not be embarrassed by using bankruptcy to fix your financial problems. It […]

Filing Bankruptcy Will Not Ruin Your Credit

Do you have serious financial problems, but you’re afraid that filling bankruptcy would ruin your credit?  Don’t be!  Filing bankruptcy can actually fix your credit in addition to its main benefit of getting rid of your debts. First, if you are behind on your bills, your credit is not your biggest problem.  Not paying bills […]