Are you having trouble managing your credit card bills, rent or mortgage payments and car payments? Are you in danger of foreclosure or car repossession? Are you looking for a way to get a fresh financial start and rebuild your credit? You can solve all of these debt problems by filing bankruptcy.
At the Law Office of Jeff D. Hoffman, we will help you understand and pursue your best options, which also include negotiating for debt reduction.
To set up a free initial consultation, contact us today.
We understand that each person’s debt circumstances are different. Depending on your situation, there may be several options available to you, and you may have a number of different questions about:
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: With a Chapter 13 payment plan, you can stop a foreclosure and/or repossession immediately, while sharply reducing or eliminating some types of debt and catching up with others over a three- or five-year period. You may even be able to get a car back that has been repossessed if you file bankruptcy quickly enough.
- Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Filing Chapter 7 can get you immediate debt relief, such as stopping wage garnishments and bank levies, and creditor harassment such as phone calls. Filing chapter 7 bankruptcy eliminates certain types of debt permanently within just a few months.
- Home Foreclosure: You can save your home with a standard chapter 13 bankruptcy or a new loan modification chapter 13 bankruptcy. Jeff will carefully go over your bankruptcy and loan modification options for avoiding foreclosure, beginning when you receive your first notice of default.
With our help, you can save your home as well as explore options that may allow you to eliminate second and third mortgages through lien stripping, and lower your mortgage payments for other real estate investments or properties you may have.
Jeff will determine if you are a good candidate for a home loan modification, available through the bankruptcy court in a Chapter 13 payment plan.
- Credit Cards and Medical/Doctor/and Dental Bills: These are common types of debt that you can completely eliminate or greatly reduce.
- Stop Creditor Harassment: Upon filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the “automatic stay” is issued, which legally prevents creditors from contacting and harassing you.
- Wage Garnishment: If your wages are being garnished, you can stop the garnishment by filing bankruptcy and you may eliminate or greatly reduce the underlying debt. You may also be able to get back wages that have been garnished 90 days before filing your case.
- Debt Reduction: You may be able to negotiate a steep discount on your debts by using our services. This is usually for people who cannot file bankruptcy.
- Reduce Your Car Loan Payment: In some cases you can reduce your payments and even get a repossessed car back, and you can save your car from being repossessed with Jeff’s help.
Serving the entire San Francisco Bay Area:
Whatever concerns you have about the serious consequences that can come from having more debt than you can afford, contact us to go over your options with our knowledgeable, ethically dependable debt reduction lawyer, Jeff D. Hoffman.
Contact us online or by phone at 510-451-0290 to schedule an free, no-obligation appointment.
Designated by Congress as a debt relief agency, we help people file for bankruptcy relief.