When financial difficulties have left you unable to make payments on your house, car, credit card bills or other personal debts, the resulting stress can be unbearable.
You can stop harassing, intrusive phone calls!
Contact us today to set up a free initial consultation.
This stress is made even worse by constant, contentious creditors that are only concerned with receiving a full payment, regardless of the circumstances that have led to your inability to pay.
At the Law Office of Jeff D. Hoffman, we provide knowledgeable and experienced advice to clients who have found themselves in dire financial straits.
- You can achieve relief through filing for bankruptcy and you can stop creditor harassment with Jeff’s help.
- Under California and U.S. federal laws, creditors are already restricted from behaving in a threatening, offensive or intimidating behavior to people who owe debt.
The most immediate benefit of filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is
- the issuance of an “automatic stay,” which not only stops creditor harassment, but also
- stops all other proceedings related to your finances, including
- lawsuits and wage garnishments, to provide the opportunity for elimination, reduction and/or reorganization of your debt.
Even though an automatic stay is intended to prevent creditors from contacting you, they don’t always play by the rules!
In cases where creditor behavior is particularly egregious, you may be able to collect money from harassing creditors!
Jeff is one of very few Bay Area lawyer’s who will aggressively pursue court action, including orders to immediately cease contact and he can sue for actual damages from any creditor who persists with collection attempts after a stay has been issued by the bankruptcy court.
Act Now to Stop Harassing Phone Calls From Creditors!
To learn more, contact us today, or by phone at 510-451-0290 to schedule a free, no obligation appointment.
Designated by Congress as a debt relief agency, we help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.