Are you having trouble making your student loan payments? You can get affordable payments for all federal student loans, both direct loans and FFEL loans. (There is also possible help for private student loans, but the options are far fewer.) Currently, you are legally entitled to certain repayment programs for federal student loans. However, as […]
Hire A Bankruptcy Attorney To Stop Foreclosure
Do you need bankruptcy protection to save your home from foreclosure? Trying to do this yourself can cause major problems for you; hire a competent bankruptcy attorney to get you the help that you need to save your home. I just got a call from a man whose 73-year-old father’s home is going to be […]
HAMP Loan Modifications
Do you need a loan modification in order to lower your mortgage payments so that you can save your house from foreclosure, but think you can’t get one now because the federal HAMP loan modification program ended December 31, 2016? Well, you’re in luck! You may still be able to get a loan mod to […]
Don’t Let Trump Dismantle Financial Protections
Donald Trump is trying to dismantle the Dodd-Frank statute that was enacted in response to severe misconduct by the financial industry that caused the Great Recession. Dismantling these protections from financial industry misconduct could cause another financial collapse and cause millions of people to have to file bankruptcy again. Call your congressperson now and demand […]
Possible New & Better Homestead Exemption
SB 308, A bill in the California Legislature, would allow debtors who need serious financial help to file bankruptcy without losing their homestead exemptions if they don’t reinvest the money in a new home within six months. As it stands now, California law requires that a homestead exemption be used to buy another home within […]
Get Student Loan Help!
Are you behind (in default) on your student loans? Are you unable to make your student loan payments because they are unaffordable? Are your wages being garnished because you are behind on your student loan payments? Contrary to what most people believe, there is help available for student loan debt. Federal loans, both direct and […]
Can You Afford A Loan Modification To Save Your House?
If you are facing foreclosure, you may want to try getting a loan modification in order to lower your mortgage payments. Our bankruptcy court in the San Francisco Bay Area started a loan modification program in August 2015, where your loan modification is overseen by the court. This is a very good program that has […]
Increase Bankruptcy Protections In California
Some people have been unable to use bankruptcy to get out of debt because they have too much equity, usually in their homes, but sometimes in other assets. SB 308 is a bill in the California legislature that will increase the amount of exemptions for things like your home. SB 308 has two major provisions. […]
Fighting Foreclosures
Last week, the California Supreme Court handed down a ruling that might provide a little help for people facing foreclosure. The court held that it might be possible to successfully sue someone for money damages for foreclosing if they can’t prove that they own the loan. This was a very technical ruling, and my very […]
Save Your Home with a Loan Modification
Are you unable to pay your mortgage because you can’t afford the payments, or because you’ve gotten behind on them and cannot afford to make them up while paying your mortgage? If so, a loan modification may be your only chance to save your home. Banks have made getting loan modifications rather difficult, but there […]