
Don’t Be Embarrassed By Bankruptcy

Don’t be embarrassed by having to file bankruptcy.  Many, if not most, people who have serious financial problems are embarrassed by those problems, but they are even more embarrassed by considering bankruptcy as a solution.  However, you should not be embarrassed by using bankruptcy to fix your financial problems. It is completely understandable that you […]

Consolidating Your Debts With A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

You can lower your total debt payments, like credit card and medical debts, by consolidating your debts with a chapter 13 bankruptcy.  There are many debt consolidation companies, and a lot of them will rip you off.  However, you can use chapter 13 bankruptcy as a debt consolidation without the fear of being ripped off by a dishonest company. […]

Use of Loan Modification in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

A loan modification in a chapter 13 bankruptcy can be the answer to your mortgage payment problems.  Are you unable to pay your mortgage because you can’t afford the payments, or because you’ve gotten behind on them and cannot afford to make them up while paying your mortgage?  If so, a loan modification may be […]

Don’t Wait To Get Help If You Are Facing Foreclosure

If you are facing foreclosure, don’t wait to get help to save your house.  Waiting until the last second could prevent you from getting the help you need. I got a call on a Friday afternoon from a person facing foreclosure the following Tuesday.  While it was still possible to file a chapter 13 bankruptcy […]

Delaying Bankruptcy For The Holidays

Are you delaying bankruptcy for the holidays?  Most people with serious financial problems don’t want to deal with them during the holiday season.  They want to use their credit cards to buy presents, and just don’t want to think about their financial or other problems this time of year.  But now the holidays are over, […]

Bankruptcy Will Probably Not Ruin Your Credit

Filing bankruptcy will probably not ruin your credit, contrary to popular opinion.  In fact, filing bankruptcy can actually fix your credit in addition to its main benefits of getting rid of your debts and protecting you from creditors. First, if you are behind on your bills, your credit is not your biggest problem.  Not paying […]

File Bankruptcy Before You Get Married.

You should file bankruptcy before you get married in order to keep your debts out of the marriage.  If you don’t, a creditor may go after community property for the debt of either spouse. California is a community property state, and everything you earn or acquire once you get married, with exceptions like inheritances and […]

Bankruptcy & Foreclosure

Do you hesitate to file bankruptcy even if you are facing foreclosure because you are concerned about your credit, even if you are in foreclosure?  Are you more concerned about your credit or the stigma of filing bankruptcy than about saving your home?  Don’t laugh; I actually had a case like that. Marge (not her […]

Don’t Let Misconceptions About Bankruptcy Stop You From Using It

If you have serious financial problems, there is a very good chance that bankruptcy could be your best solution. But many people are afraid to file bankruptcy because they think it would ruin their credit or that it’s just for deadbeats. These myths are simply not true. If you are in serious financial trouble, your […]

Loan Modification In A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

A loan modification in our bankruptcy court’s chapter 13 program can prevent foreclosure of your home if you unable to pay your mortgage.  A loan modification may be your only chance to save your home.  However, because of rising home values here in the Bay Area, getting a loan modification is more difficult than it […]