Have you gotten over your head in credit card debt? If so, bankruptcy might be the solution for you. You can eliminate your credit card debts with a chapter 7 bankruptcy, usually without paying anything for those debts. Many people are solicited for credit cards as soon as they turn 18 years old. At that […]
Should You File Bankruptcy Before You Get Married?
Should you file bankruptcy before you get married? Many people have asked me this question, and the answer is a definite “yes!” If you get married, your debts “come into the marriage” in California. Specifically, a creditor may go after community property for the debt of either spouse. Let’s break down what this means. California […]
Avoid Phony Tax Collector Scams
If someone contacts you and tries to get you to pay a tax debt, this could be a scam. Beginning April 2017, the IRS contracted with private collection agencies to try to collect taxes that the IRS has not been able to collect. You might be able to get rid of tax debts in bankruptcy. […]
Choose A Bankruptcy Attorney Wisely
Do you need to choose a bankruptcy attorney? If so you should make your choice wisely. Many people go price-shopping for a bankruptcy attorney, but this is definitely the wrong way to choose one. Think about this: Would you choose a doctor this way? The best way to choose an attorney is to find one […]
Don’t Let Fear Of Bankruptcy Cause Your Home To Be Foreclosed
Do you hesitate to file bankruptcy because you are concerned about your credit, even if you are in foreclosure? Are you more concerned about your credit or the stigma of filing bankruptcy than about saving your home? Don’t laugh; I have a case like that right now. Marge (not her real name) filed chapter 13 […]
Eliminate Old Taxes By Filing Bankruptcy
Filing bankruptcy can eliminate old taxes. For those of you who got extensions on filing your 2017 tax returns, you just had to settle up with the IRS and the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB). If you owe the IRS or FTB debts for old taxes, you can eliminate those debts with a chapter 7 […]
Don’t Let Fear Of Bankruptcy Cause Your Home To Be Foreclosed
Do you hesitate to file bankruptcy because you are concerned about your credit, even if your home is about to be foreclosed? Are you more concerned about your credit or the stigma of filing bankruptcy than about saving your home? Don’t laugh; I have a case like that right now. Marge (not her real name) […]
File Chapter 13 Bankruptcy To Get A Loan Modification
You can file chapter 13 bankruptcy to get a loan modification in the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are facing foreclosure, you may want to try getting a loan modification in order to lower your mortgage payments. Our bankruptcy court in the San Francisco Bay Area started a loan modification program in August 2015, where your […]
Hire A Competent Bankruptcy Attorney To Save Your Home From Foreclosure
Do you need bankruptcy protection to save your home from foreclosure? Trying to do this yourself can cause major problems for you; hire a competent bankruptcy attorney to get you the help that you need to save your home. I just got a call from a man whose 73-year-old father’s home is going to be foreclosed by Wells Fargo the […]
Should You Keep Or Get Rid Of Documents?
Should you keep or get rid of documents like loan documents, tax returns, and statements? In our complicated society, we are inundated with all sorts of documents. These documents can pile up to the point of annoyance, and it’s tempting to just recycle them. There are always exceptions, but the following are good guidelines for […]