If you need to fix your debts, filing bankruptcy to get rid of them is much better than committing fraud. What do I mean by that? Simply that many people think that they can give money or title to property like houses and cars to other people in order to avoid creditors.
One problem with giving your property to others to avoid creditors is that giving your property to other people in order to keep it from creditors is legally considered fraud, and your creditors can get this property back from the people to whom you give it.
Another problem is that if a person to whom you give the property needs to file bankruptcy, having that property in their name might prevent them from doing so. For example, owning a house with a lot of equity would cause a person in debt to lose the house by filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy and would force them into a chapter 13 bankruptcy that they might not be able to afford and that would be more expensive even if they could afford it.
If you have debt problems, bankruptcy is the legal and proper way to deal with them. If you have serious debt problems, contact a good bankruptcy attorney today for a free consultation.