If you can’t pay your debts because of the coronavirus pandemic, bankruptcy might be the solution for you. You can eliminate your credit card and other general unsecured debts with a chapter 7 bankruptcy, almost always without paying anything for those debts. Many people have lost income and even their jobs because of the pandemic. If this happened to you and you can’t pay your debts, this is a good solution.
Whatever the reason that you honestly got into debt that you are unable to pay, chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the solution for you. More than 90% of consumers who file chapter 7 bankruptcy do not pay anything for their credit card and other unsecured debts, and those debts are completely eliminated in three to four months after they file their case.
If you have debt that you cannot afford to pay because of the coronavirus or for any other reason, contact a bankruptcy attorney to discuss whether this would be right for you. Our video and phone consultations are free and this could be the best financial move that you make.